How to choose the ideal plastic surgeon

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With the increase in demand for plastic surgery, it is essential to know the criteria to be evaluated by a professional so that everything happens safely, after all, this choice is decisive for the good result of the procedure.

There are many people who are dissatisfied with the results of plastic surgery after it has been carried out. Many patients do not take due care when choosing a  plastic surgeon  and perform procedures with unqualified professionals, which compromises any results.

See below some criteria that can be decisive when choosing a good  plastic surgeon .

Criteria to evaluate when choosing a plastic surgeon

People who decide to undergo plastic surgery need to be aware of some basic criteria, and know that a  plastic surgeon  after medical school needs to do a residency in general surgery, then a medical residency in plastic surgery and finally pass the written exam. and oral examination by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) and only then be considered a specialist in plastic surgery.

This certificate is what gives patients security that they will be cared for by a qualified professional, who works subject to a code of ethics and performs procedures only in accredited medical facilities with a surgical center authorized by health surveillance and with equipment and trained staff for any complications.

To find out whether the doctor is a specialist surgeon, check whether he is actively registered with the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM) in the region in which he works.

A guarantee is the plastic surgeon ‘s affiliation   with the SBCP, although affiliation is not mandatory, this is another way of ensuring the patient.

Also check whether the doctor is accredited in the hospitals where he works, this helps you establish criteria for the quality of care that will be provided.

Another way to know if you have chosen the  ideal plastic surgeon  is to look for opinions from patients who have already undergone surgical procedures with him, as well as recommendations from relatives and friends. Knowing whether the professional has already treated a celebrity can also be an excellent parameter.

The patient can search the plastic surgeon’s social networks, read the opinions of patients who have undergone a technique and observe the professional’s seriousness.

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